Period on spring break vacation?


May 22, 2008
Okay so on this Sunday I am going to go on a spring break vacation with my sister and are familia friends ( my friends u include a 16 year ok girl and an 12 year old and thir mom and I don't know her age!!) so me and my sister, 16 and I'm 13 are going with on a vacation and my sister and the other 16 year old are SUPER CLOSE and me and the 12 year old are kinda close anyways I am going to be on my period during the vacation and I get super close to my m during my period because I am like a clueless person when it comes to it like I know what to do but I just need her support for it and crap and she isn't coming with I know I will enjoy the vacation but I don't want to be in my period and have to share a bed with some one! What if I leak! Or something bad!! Also I am having my mom buy me a diva cup because you can wear it longer and have to change it less!! Do you think I will be okay? I don't want to tell the family I am going with but were all girls I just don't know!
You will be fine nothing bad will happen I'm 13 too and personally periods are soo annoying I know how u feel:)