People STILL follow Harold Camping with his revised 4th prediction of world's end?


New member
May 24, 2011
Harold Camping's first prediction of end of world date was around 1994, more recently on May 2011 and then predicted end of world on October 21st 2011. All wrong predictions, 3 times in a row. Now he has a new prediction this time it concurs with Mayan calendar ending end of world prediction December 21st 2012. At least Camping has a year to prepare and BS people again. My question is WHY do people still believe in his predictions and even more importantly is why do his followers still follow him after 3 false predictions yet they think the 4th will be different?
For the same reasons people follow the current mythologies in the major religions of today. People want to believe someone or something has answers to life's major questions and they will follow someone who has the chutzpah to say that they do.

Another guy did this in the late 1800s in the US and he kept getting it wrong and people would keep on following him until he died. He was the founder of the Adventist Church, I believe. This church acknowledges now that he was full of beans.
Why don't they just read their Bibles? Jesus said only the Father knows when the end will come. I don't know why Harold Camping thinks he is so special that God would tell him the date?