People ,is this so funny to see idiots like the moron that calls itself Bob Marley.?


New member
Oct 10, 2010
complain so much about the so called cops, he, she or it refers to so much as pigs. This is what i typed back to him,she or it. " To Bob Marley, what i think is funny, when you made this comment before about being a police officer for 3 years, than you supposed to have left on your own, now you are attending , Law school. From the way i see you expressing yourself in this site,shows you are a mixed up kid with serious delusions. By closely paying attention to your obsession with the police, i have come to this conclusion. Something must have taken place, in your past. You at one point wanted to be a police officer. You must have been rejected due to the mental condition they picked up on like i have done, like others in this site have noticed as well. I have noticed you keep referring them as pigs. Could this be an indication, you are a really fat kid, all during high school, others have picked on you, now you have decided to call the police pigs. Or you are too damn stupid to realize, what you are really doing is giving them the best compliment. P=Pride. I=integrity. G=guts and glory. S=superiority.In this, i would have to say for all police officers you are showing how much of a stupidass you are, i say thank you. Punk. How many times you have been busted for doing some thing you should not have done , that makes you this out right stupid with your constance whining and ranting about the police ? Goofy kids like yourself just can not get over the fact the police were only doing their job when they busted you. Get over it and move on retard. OH YEA ! WAWOOMP WAWOOMP WAWOOMP. I thought this is entertaining, do you ?
me ? hateful ? i guess you have not read what the Bob Marley has stated. Now that is hateful. LOL !!!
nope Bobby Marley boy. you are what i typed LOL WAWOOMP !!