PDA ????????????? Electronics :? HELP WANTED ! PLEASEEE?


New member
Jan 16, 2011
ok i want a pda which looks very helpful in organizing and stuff.
the problem is i want a cheap one like 50 bucks :S
i just wanna know cool cheap pda i can buy online
till now the one i liked most was the palm Tx but it cost too much.
anyway can u also give me the url of wher i can buy em too ..it would be appriciated
thanks 4 ur help
You really might as well just buy a smartphone, they basically do everything PDAs used to, probably more.

You can get one uncontracted for pretty much what a PDA would cost, or get one stupidly cheap if you want to buy into a service contract with it. Or get an uncontracted one and activate it on a pay as you go plan.