Packard Bell Dot SE-410 crashes/freezes when browsing?


New member
Aug 13, 2011
I bought this netbook 2 months ago. It was great for the first 2 weeks but then started freezing. At first I thought it was overload as I was using Microsoft Office Word along with Internet Explorer but it freezes when just using IE now too. I can type fast and it takes forever to catch up and I can have just clicked a link, the page will have loaded, i'll be using it fine and the mouse just stops moving, I can't bring up Task Manager as Ctrl+Alt+Del has no effect. The only thing I can do when it does this is hold down the power button.
The only programs I have added to this netbook is a small program that allows me to change my desktop background and Avira Antivirus.
I have tried Google Chrome instead of IE as on reading I found this was recommended for Netbooks but the same thing happened.
I don't have many files stored or many programs so don't think it could be the memory or the CPU. Can anyone help me please?
if u wanna open task manager right click on your task bar and an option for task manager will be there
when u open task manager under the processes option end tasks for some of the programs thats not used or the ones that u dont need to use
if your cpu usage is high this might be one of the problems
to lower your cpu usage close all programs that u dont need use as i said
if it dosnt work back up all your files and format netbook
u can also scan for viruses malwares trojans and all download ccleaner and remove registry issues
if it dosnt work then i guess u have to reinstall windows