p90x nutrition help!!!!!!!!?


May 14, 2008
I'm 16 female - 5'2 and 122 pounds
I started phase 2 Monday (I'm adding High & Tight and Bum Bum Rapido on MWF)

Breakfast- 4 egg whites, 1/4 cup (dry) Oatmeal 1/2 oz of almonds on top, 2 slices of jennio turkey bacon

Snack 1 oz 97% fat free beef Jerky

Workout- Back & Biceps
1/2 protein scoop with 1/2 c. Milk, i banana

Workout-BBL High & Tight and Bum Bum Rapido
1/2 protein school with 1/2 c. Milk, and 1/2 cliff bar

Lunch- 4 oz chicken with vegetables and a sweet potato

Snack- 1 c. Greek yogurt w/ a little bit of honey and 1/4 c of Kashi cereal ontop

Dinner- 5 oz chicken with broccoli, cauliflower,carrots

Snack- 1 scoop of protein powder in water

on myfittnesspal it comes out close to 1,600 calories, 140 carbs, 25 fat, 187 protein.
I'm trying to lose fat, basically lose inches around my thighs and stomach before summer.

What do I need to work on? Am I eat enough? To much?

I had only lost 1/2 an inch off my waist in month 1 ( That was the only measurement change I had)... I think because I was only eating 1,300 calories a day? Starvation mode?