Out of the three which one sounds more interesting?


Jun 1, 2008
I want to write a book, but which topic sounds better and would sell more about
a girl named October Free.
1)She becomes homeless in NYC then become a famous singer.
2)She falls in love with a guy who ends up killing her.
3)She gets Cancer and before she dies she does everything on her bucket list.
Which one do you like better?
Please give me suggestions and thoughts!
2 sounds really good! I think it'd be captivating then heartbreaking at the end, so it would be very powerful.
1 and 3 are REALLY banal and cliché. A love story always grabs interest though, and that one sounds unique. Try it it out.
Second one

I'd start it off with them on their first date and then I'd go and show the girl's daily life, occasionally hinting that she thinks that someone is stalking her. She would always run into the man she is falling in love with, but to not make it overly obvious, I would have an escapee who was sentenced to death for the murder of three women be hiding in the area. IT WOULD NOT BE WHO SHE FALLS IN LOVE WITH.

Then she'd become paranoid. Feeling trapped, she starts venting to the man she loves. So on and so on. I assume you get where it is going.
Out of those two, the second one sounds more intriguing (to me). But that's just because the others sound like a lot of stories out there in my opinion... I read A LOT and we need more fresh ideas and different spins.

Good luck. [: