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Again, I'd really really like to see that little red thing fight Bob Sapp.

Alone amongst guinea pigs, sooty is a carnivore. In fact, he's a ravenging furious beast who rips the entrails out of trolls by the dozen
Nyghtewynd Is definately an ALIEN! His avatar says it all, notice how the porcupine rolls to the left when the wind blows and taco bell stays awake because she smells like potatoe cream drift wood? Well, i cant extrecate a more polishing brick balloon to your turkey, its all in the wrist! I also believe that Nyghtewynd has a phobia of dishwashers.
^ has skeletons in his closet...

Why don't dream interpretation websites ever include the dreams where you're being chased by miniature zombie gardeners who want to kill you, chop your body up, and use it as manure?......... What?...... Why are you all staring at me like that?

p.s. - I actually did have a dream in which I was being chased by the previously mentioned miniature zombie gardeners..... They were screaming "Ai Ai Ai AAAAIIIIIII" in little high pitched voices.
and they say Van Gogh was mad.....
he even cut off his ear and ate some of it....
Looks like he's been smoking it too!