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Apr 4, 2008
So have you ever considered getting a dummy to help in your times of being without a training partner instead of training alone.
If I could afford them without having to save for a while, I'd probably have a couple of different kinds (a bob and free standing heavy bag (not got room for a hanging one) anyway)
Actually a few years back I made my own grappling/striking dummy (I'm quite nifty with my hands).
He's been dubbed "Jolly Batman" (he's sort of got pointy ears).
When I get in my new house he's in for a pasting!
Yes a heavy bag is a wonderful way to train and moving around it and grunting and moving in close to replicate an actual human in close combat is good.But wouldn't you think the actual feel of the human anatomy on a real dummy would make you more effective in an actual situation.If every home had one and the dummy was placed by the door and an intruder entered the realistic dummy would give said intruder slight pause.Than just with a heavy bag possibly giving you valuable seconds to react to an unwanted entry of your place of residence.
No because an actual human hits you back. Training with a bag serves a few purposes. Cardio ,increasing your punch and kicking strength and working on some combinations. But you'll only get the feel for these combinations when sparring. Fights are dynamic, no one ever just sits there and let's you hit them. Choosing a Bob over a heavy bag for it's "realism" is just silly. If lack of space is an issue the a free standing bag/bob is probably the only thing you can use. But a heavy bag reigns supreme.
Ok let's take a side road here which dummy would you have around the house if you had to pick one? The one on the left or the one on the right.
Hey the one on the left looks like a well balanced,well groomed boy with a smug little expression of inner knowledge. lol
I would love to get a heavy bag of some kind. I need to find a place to hang it though.
Yes! I always use a dummy, my assistant John. LOL - Although, he is the one using me as of late.
Anyone in Illinois or the surrounding states that wants a 60 pound heavy bag let me know. I'm upgrading to a 100 pound bag and need to clear this one out.

Also, as far as a training dummy. I married mine about 5 years ago... HOOOooo!!!! ZING!

Thank you, thank you... I'll be here all week. Dont forget to tip your waitresses.
I actually have one (submission master). Work schedules really do damage in terms of training in the gym. I use it mainly for conditioning and just to supplement the things I learned in the gym. You should get one.