OLTL - How do you feel about Roger Howarth returning?


New member
Sep 17, 2010
How do you feel about Roger Howarth returning to OLTL? I was really upset when he left, and didn't think anybody could replace him, however, I've loved what Trevor St. John has done with the character the last 7 years. His almost execution was the best. Rumor has it that Trevor has been pretending to be Todd, but how will that affect his relationship with Starr, Jack & Dani. Poor Dani will be going on Daddy #3 within the last year! What will Blair do?? I know it will make for a great storyline, but I really love Trevor's Todd! Any opinions????
I don't mind him coming back, but I don't want him to be Todd because I like this Todd much better. If it's true that Trevor's Todd is faking to be Roger's Todd, I will be very annoyed. Honestly, I'd rather him not come back!
I would LOVE for Roger to return to OLTL as any character. He's such a great actor! But I would hope that they'd keep Trevor on as well. Like you, I never thought I could accept anyone else as Todd, but Trevor has grown on me and his less darker and somewhat less disturbed Todd has as well. There are so many ways they could go with this if Roger really did return and they also wanted to keep Trevor on.