Ok Mommies dish the personal dirt!!?


New member
Dec 21, 2008
How has having a baby affected your sex life?

How often did you and your partner have sex before you got pregnant?
While you were pregnant?
Now that the baby is born?

Has it changed (ie you like it better now... it was best during pregnancy ect)
Yeah personal but just curious because my husband and I were having a debate because he doesn't think a baby affects the sex life of "normal" couples.. inferring that I'm not normal because before I got pregnant it was like once a week and now its like once a month hahaha
before we were preggers we had sex at least once a day
while preggers, we had zero during the 1st trimester and then a little every now and then during the rest of the pregnancy
Now we have sex maybe 3 times a week

* But this only is when he is home and not on dets, workups, or deployment *
Before pregnant about 6 times a week
In early pregnancy it stayed about the same but towards the end it was maybe once a week.
After the baby is born probably about 4 times a week, and then the other 2-3 nights we will do other things such as oral, etc...
before i got pregnant with my first, we had sex at least once a day. after that it was a couple times a week. im pregnant with my second and i dont even remember the last time we had sex
Well before the babies we were rabbits jeje, (sorry being honest here) :x
after baby #1 we were still doing it lots!! Lol, the fact that we had a baby didnt stop us expect some nights it got interrupted by the baby.
Lets see um, now with baby number 2 we have slowed down a lot... Now im too tired to even think about sex dont get me wrong we r still doing it Sh!t jaja, but def not as much (REALLY miss the good days) To tell you that we DIDNT wait the 6 wks after the baby (oops)
Oh and while preggo with both pregnancies we took advantage of no condoms so yeah MANY MAny times lol.
Before was anywhere from 2 times a day to once a week
While only about 15 times through out all 42 weeks mostly at the end of
after having him maybe 1 a week some times 1 every two weeks but i could go longer but for his sake i don't
Yes it has changed sometimes it great and some times not but that is life
Well before I became pregnant my partner couldn't get enough of me (if you know what I mean.) From when I started showing (around 4 months) to when our daughter was born, we had sex about 20 times.
He thought it was 'wrong' to have sex while I was pregnant, it really turned him off.
Now my daughter is 9 months old, and we probably have sex once every 6 weeks. I wish it was every night, or at least more often - but what can I do? After seeing what he saw (very complicated birth) I suppose I can't blame him, but it still hurts my feelings. It's absolutely ruined my self esteem.

So to be honest, I wish I had your problem. At least your husband still finds you sexually attractive.
Before and during pregnancy we had sex about 3-4 times a week, after baby once a week. The upside is that now I easily have multiple pegsama, whereas before I could only have one, or work really hard for that second one
Before I got pregnant it was only once a week because I worked first shift and my husband worked second. It was about the same while pregnant. Now it's a bit less often, maybe once a week to once every 10 days.
ok, before pregnancy 1-2 times a day. During pregnancy about twice a week and a couple months after each baby it was down to once every few months. We also cosleep but now that our boys are 3 and 18mo we are at 1-3 times a week.
We used to have 2 queens put together for everyone in our room but now I moved 1 queen and a toddler bed into the spare room and my 3 yo sleeps in his bed and the 18mo sleeps in the queen. It gives us a lot more opportunities than b4.

@Sashas mommy- if at all possible put a queen bed in the spare room and as soon as baby is asleep you will have a couple of hours for alone time. If not the couch is adequate. Now that you have a baby you have to be creative.
Wow...I would definitely not openly talk about this in real life..haha but since I'm hiding behind my computer...I guess it's okay...

Before the pregnancy...my husband and I practically had sex once a day at least...sometimes even twice a day!...Yes it was crazy...with that much activity it would be insane not to get pregnant...

During the pregnancy ...it decreased of course..and I could easily say my tummy was uncomfortable..or back was aching...so it went down to many 3-4 times a week.

Now that my beautiful baby is here...who also drains all my energy ..by the time its bedtime...I feel like knocking out....so now it has become once a week...or once every other week. haha..my husband hates it.

As for the sex..I think it's a little better now...but I'm still so tired and I never get "me" time....so when the baby sleeps..I just want to lay around and relax like watching tv...before I hit the bed myself.

I think it affects everyone. Especially women...its normal to lose the sexual whatever its called. haha. I wish I could do once a month...but my husband would die for sure if that happened...haha
I was in the mood ALL the time before I got pregnant and also during pregnancy. When my daughter was a baby, we still had a fairly active sex life - 3 to 4 times per week.

Now that my daughter is 22 months old, I haven't really lost the urge as much as we have lost the opportunity. We made the mistake of allowing our daughter to sleep with us as an infant (she was on an apnea monitor and I wanted her to be as close as possible to me at night in case she stopped breathing). But now there aren't any health issues and I can't get her out of our bed. Seems like lately unless we get a babysitter and she stays overnight with someone else, we just don't have much opportunity for a great sex life, even though the desire is still very much there for me.