OH SH!T Poster (Engineering Mishap / Motivation / Humour)?


New member
Dec 28, 2008
I am trying to find this poster as a gift.
The poster is of a steam locomotive that has been reversed off what appears to be the end of an unfinished bridge.
There is a group of men at edge of the bridge deck looking at the scene (in Victorian dress?) and there is a man (or two?) in a skiff at the base of the bridge footing.
The text on the poster simply says “Oh Sh!t!”.
If anyone can let me know where to purchase this poster I would really appreciate it.

I have searched the internet and the closest I can get is a picture of the Granville – Paris Express that has been driven through a window at Gare de l’Ouest station on 22 October 1895.
This is NOT the poster I am looking for!

Thanks in advance :)