Oh... joy!! Paris Hilton gets 45 days inside


Apr 6, 2008
Is it bad that this makes me feel good?


EDIT: ooops, wrong house
Oh dear oh dear oh dear. What? You mean I have to have some kind of license to drive a car? Are you insane?

That's just SO hot.

GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! Cant they change it to 45 YEARS instead!.
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The problem with this 45-days in jail is that A) she'll come back out and B) when she does come back out, we'll be subjected to her constantly going on and on about how hard it was inside and how she's like so TOTALLY never going back there
Next thing we know Paris Hilton in her new porno. Shower block porn.

At least it will not be at night this time.
Hilarious, peed myself when I read this before on BBC. Her mum claimed that the judge was being unfair and singling her out because she is who she is (which is WHO by the way? She is a talentless nobody!). This is despite the fact that she had a signed contract in her glove compartment saying she couldn't drive, then claimed that she didn't know she had a suspended license. She also didn't do the drivers alcohol ed. course she was court ordered to go on. If she didn't get a jail sentence it would have been a disgrace.
lets face it, 45 days is the least we as a society are owed for the constant barrage of self promoting crap we are subjected to on a daily basis.
I wonder if being locked up with Paris Hilton can be consider cruel and unusual punishment.
Yeah, you will have to make a night time porn film of her and be subjected to years of social acceptance.... Damn. Why can't I be locked up?
It's a sad world when someone as flimsy as P. Hilton gets the amount of news coverage that they do.