Oh Damn! Supersize that ass whoopin!!!

Different setting, same scenario. You're in your house. A couple of vaccum salespeople stop by and want you to buy one. You ask "Is this a decent vaccum?", and they verbally assault and slap you. You slam the door shut and run off inside the house. They bust in the front and back doors and come in after you. You grab a lead pipe and bash their heads in.

And now you'd be deserving of a bullet to the head?
I'm thinking about it, and it still makes no sense.

You're saying that it is OK for two women to attack a man while he is doing his job, that it is wrong for him to defend himself and that it would be acceptable for you to shoot him in the face for daring to defend himself.

So, what you're saying is, you can't live in cities because you're a psychopath?
They were safe by a mile... since nothing in McDonalds is ever fresh there are no knives... because everything comes in easy-open sealed plastic pouches. There is a certain poetic beauty that he handed out a beatdown in McD's with a deep fat fryer tool.
Obewan probably isn't trolling, he probably just has a different perspective due to different life experience. I like Obewan, I just don't agree with him on this one.
Yeah that's not trolling. Any cop that walked in would have pulled a gun at that point. So it's not out of the realm of possibility... a bullet in his head given the circumstances... surely that is someones ego talking.
I really shouldn't be thanking that, but it's just too funny! Those two got their butt's handed to them twice by the deep fat fryer machine!
Totally Different situation, come on you know that. They were in a public place with many people around and he wasn't in jeopardy of losing his life, but was in fact trying to kill them.

It's not ok for the women to attack him, hell no they deserved a good bitch slapping. He went way to far in defending himself and totally disregarded the lives of the angry women.

Not a troll, maybe a psycho. LOL
If he wanted to kill them, they'd be dead. We can't see where he is striking them because they're behind the counter, but the fact that they're still breathing suggests he wasn't wrapping it around their skulls.

He lost his cool, I can't hold that against him. He was the victim of an unprovoked attack. I don't think we'd be having this discussion if it was two guys who jumped the counter and ended up on the end of an iron bar.
most of you will disagree with me but here is my word on this

Both were at wrong here... But i think the man WENT TOO FAR at this... Way too far....

Theres a difference between defence... and plain cruelty... Seriously... Who goes and beats the hell out of two women with a lead pipe till their skull cracks... who?

If you want to stop someone you attack their legs atlesat... taht way they wont attack you, or get their arms... not the god damn head!!!

Or atleast give them a good punch...

seriously... it made me feel sick inside, call me a softy but i think both were at wrong... but the man was defiantly the worst...

Once a psycho always a psycho i guess... that man will stay in prison his whole life... and hes better off that way... unless he truly changes into a new man...

no sane man does that... or goes that far....
UK definition of reasonable force http://www.cps.gov.uk/legal/s_to_u/self_defence/#Reasonable_Force , i find the part where they talk about public servants who deal with confrontational situations interesting.
The fact that they assaulted, cornered, and attempted to assault the guy again in a public place, HIS workplace, and with a bunch of witnesses and security cameras around, makes the two nastyhos even more dangerous in my book. If I was him, I'd be thinking they probably had mace, knives, stun guns, and/or maybe even a gun or two to go along with those psychotic attitudes. And if they didn't have them on them, they may have had them in their cars, or they might come back with them.

Think about the mindset of the two women who came in, tried to pass a $50, assaulted the guy for needing to scan it due to company policy (easy to understand since most stores run a counterfiet detection pen over $20's), and then actually jumped the counter to assault the guy with all his workmates around him. Do you think those women had any respect for any law? The guy was there trying to earn himself some $50's while reforming himself. He didn't start it, he tried to run, and when they pursued, he beat the crap out of them. I hope he finds a decent lawyer if he truly was on the up and up at the time. Bad situation all the way around, but at least no one got killed.
Didn't know that. Guess my preference for Wendy's shows....

In essence, the customers messed with the wrong employee. The news spun it to make it look like they were victims even though they initiated the assault. He might have hit them a few too many times with metal bar but they might have been coming after him still.

Who goes after an employee like that? I got a diet coke instead of a lemonade a month back. Hardly, gave me a license to slap an employee around & go behind the counter.
I can only imagine the kind of MA club that engenders this kind of namby pamby attitude to self defence.

If someone is trying to do you harm, you take them down hard. There's a line, sure, and he probably crossed it, but this whole 'aim for the legs' nonsense could have gotten him killed.

What he gave is a good example of how to deal with multiple opponents - no mercy, no hesitation, no compromise.
I you're over simplyfying here a little

Only one has a cracked skull , which we don't know the severity of , and to quote

This bears thinking about.

To play devils advocate a little , it's entirely possible to fracture your skull just from falling and hitting your head on the floor , so hitting around the legs isn't fool proof.

Again , i feel you're over simplifying here a little , sure it's easy to say he went over the top in picking up the bar when you watch the video , it's an entirely different matter when confronted with that situation in reality.
I think it's more a case that 2 bullies picked on the wrong person.
After watching those clips, I gotta tell ya, I'm on the guys side. He did his time, he was trying to make of his life what he can (he was probably lucky to score a job after getting out) and these two horrid skanks act like animals because he's just doing his job.

The continued beating, IMO, wasn't entirely unjustified. We don't know what crap other customers might have put him and his colleagues through in the past. Heck, I've been in a burger queue and seen a dude go ape because they ran out of ketchup (before they had the dispensers). The guy lost it and threw his food over the counter at the shocked teeny bop cashier and stormed out.

I've worked in a take away and had all the "Ching chong, Ching chong" and dreamt of going out on the shop floor with a bat. Instead, they just got a mouthful of my spit in their food. Serving customers is sometimes a thankless job.

Okay, maybe he went overboard, but you can't expect to treat people like that and not get your comeuppance.