"OGame" - Intergalactic Conquest

"OGame" - Intergalactic Conquest

I like Taff's idea - at this early stage I'd be inclined to give it a go anyway, just to see if it worked.

BTW, you can store 100,000 of each resource before you need to build extra containers.
"OGame" - Intergalactic Conquest

Problem is that to get one rocket launcher you need 2000 metal, and before that you need a Level 2 Robotic Lab, which takes a lot of metal, crystal and deut. And also you need a Level 1 Shipyard, which takes plenty of resources to build also. So it might not be feasible.
Babysitting isn't possible because they don't allow it. Not sure if we'd get caught, but it is quite risky.
"OGame" - Intergalactic Conquest

this sounds like the best game ever. i am going to investigate when my exams are over
"OGame" - Intergalactic Conquest

Metal 8
Crystal 3 (And still have more than enough)
Deut 3
Solar 4 (Running short on power, it's the next upgrade)

I'm finding that I still need a shed load more metal, if anyone figures out how to trade this stuff then please let me know because I'll happily swap deuterium or crystals for metal

Oh, how much does research cost once you build a research centre if anything?
"OGame" - Intergalactic Conquest

To trade, we need small transport ships, that means robotics + shipyard + a fair bit of research....

For energy research, you need 800 crystal and 400 deut. You need that + 2 levels of combustion engines to get a transport ship.
I've not done any research yet.
All I've done is built a rocket launcher and as I speak I'm pushing my Solar Plant up to Level 7.
"OGame" - Intergalactic Conquest

Looks like you want to get all your resources up to about level 10 before you do research then

Will stick with building up the resources for now.
"OGame" - Intergalactic Conquest

True, but when the Energy Research picture looks like this:

Oooooo pretty colours....

You just GOT to get it
"OGame" - Intergalactic Conquest

It's entirely text based, but addictive. You should start now, and get the ball rolling on the resource production
"OGame" - Intergalactic Conquest

im only on:
metal 6
crystal 4
deut. 3
solar 6
but iv got a research facility and am up for some energy research soon.
"OGame" - Intergalactic Conquest

you all seem to be getting the idea

noob protection isn't just points, its also a sliding scale, (IIRC) where massively powerful planets/colonies/alliances can't swamp people lower down the chain.

research needs to be started sooner rather than later, you can only do research one shot at time, even if you have a colony of planets with many labs..

when i stopped playing last year, i'd just got into the idea of colonies...

you have planet1 which got you started, then, on subsequent planets, you can specialise, one for res mining and storage, one for research, one for shipbuilding etc...

same when you move up to the scale of the allaince, depending how we are spread through the universe, we can set up trade routes which also serve as fleet saving missions and start working on co-ordinating our weapons capabilities.
"OGame" - Intergalactic Conquest

Metal - 6
Crystal - 5
Deut - 3
Solar - 6
Robot - 1
Research - 1

I think I went a bit early with the old robot factory and research lab. I'm gonna see what the energy upgrade does when I get enough crystal.
"OGame" - Intergalactic Conquest

Is it possible for us to swap resources with eachother?
"OGame" - Intergalactic Conquest

It will be, but we'll need transport ships.

Energy research is important, as it opens up combustion engine research, which obviously leads to ships.


In two hours I will upgrade my solar plant again. Followed by the crystal mines and metal mines.
Then tomorrow I will start research.
"OGame" - Intergalactic Conquest

nah, robot lab is top of my list, then a research lab, then a shipyard.

anything to bring production times down in the early stages

but taffs right, get upstream on the energy research, you hit limits on res quick for energy, so its best to max it out sooner, because then it helps you maintain a steady increase in technology.

i found balance was a good thing, cycling through the options keeping them all growing at an even rate, that way you don't hit times when you can't develop because you are massively deficient in a vital area of research.
"OGame" - Intergalactic Conquest

I am producing a lot of deut that I don't need. So I scale it back and max out my metal and crystal, this way I am able to upgrade faster. I just pushed crystal up to Level 6, in one hour I can push metal up to Level 7. Then two or three hours after that, I can push up to Solar Level 8.
I'd consider that a good days work, then in the morning I should be able to start researching energy, and maybe upgrading the shipyard.
If things go well, I might hae enough metal to buy another rocket launcher.
"OGame" - Intergalactic Conquest

I've just got my shipyard and should be able to afford a rocket launcher by midnight. Presumably these things fire by themselves if I'm tucked up in bed when some toerag attacks me?
"OGame" - Intergalactic Conquest


basically, combat happens like this...

you want to attack someone...

1. send a probe and find out some info

2. wait for probe to return, (essentially, you'll be doing this as soon as you can probe outside the galaxy, building up a picture of the threats and weakness's in your neighbours, but remember, the chances are, they will have better tech than you, and catch your probe, then you've could have just made an enemy)

3. if you decide to attack, send you fleet (by choosing which ships to send)

4. you're ships head off, you get a counter showing progress,

5. all you can do now (with this fleet) is wait or call back your ships (you may be contacted with a warning/request if they see you coming)

6. at contact time ogame does some maths and sends both sides an damage report and full battle stats.

7. your ships come home then, (if you've got any left), with all the res they can carry (i think? there could be a way to keep them at the planet you just attacked, if you completely destroy it, i'm not sure)

8. if you are offline and you are attacked, you will be told what you have left, IIRC mines and buildings don't get destroyed, only soft-infrastructure like solar plants, solar sattelites, rocket launchers, ships in the ship yard, fleet in space...

9. your defences are automatic, and won't last long at first

but once you are at a mine or research level, you stay at level.
"OGame" - Intergalactic Conquest

Our alliance is ranked 907. My current goal is to get to a cargo ship as quicky as possible so that we can start pooling resources. I just need to upgrade my Combustion Drive level. I will do this after solidifying my resources by launching a solar satellite. So I figure that by tomorrow, I'll be able to send out a ship.