Official takes an embarassing spill on his backside during the Cotton Bowl


Jun 17, 2007
Being an official can be lonely, with all the harassment about missed calls and the other abuse that goes along with the job.

And then there's falling on your keister in front of 87,025 at Cowboys Stadium, the second-largest crowd to ever watch the Cotton Bowl, and millions more watching on television at home.

After umpire Keith Roden spotted the ball before a Texas A&M play in the fourth quarter, he started to retreat to his spot behind the defensive line, something he does constantly during his duties. And then he made the most unathletic of moves on a field full of elite athletes, tripping and falling smack on his behind.

He lost his hat during his tumble, and had to scramble to regain his hat and get back on his feet before the Aggies snapped the ball. Maybe out of courtesy, Texas A&M quarterback Johnny Manziel paused long enough to let the umpire get back in his position.

We've all had that blundering moment in our lives. This one just happened in the middle of the Cotton Bowl.

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