Obama is the Joker?

I don't know if I call it "bias" as much as a very different point of reference. However, you're right: Obama hasn't changed many of the Bush policies. Which leads me right back to something I've said many times: GW Bush was far too liberal. Both Bush's were for that matter. Both Bush's, and Clinton governed from the center and enjoyed a political base made up of the American center. Obama however, is an extreme left-winger. His political base is from the extreme American left. He ran to the center to get elected and as yet, seems to still be in "candidate" mode instead of "leader" mode. The left is actually more upset with him than the right because they view him as one of their own who's betraying the cause.

He's kinda stuck really, because he's too liberal for the majority of Americans, but not liberal enough for the Left fringe that is his political base. 10 months in to the administration, the economy still stinks, unemployment continues to rise, the deficit is quadruple the total of all eight Bush years, and every major piece of legislation and policy Obama promised is either stuck in a Congress controlled by the President's own party or has been completely abandoned by his administration. The guy is failing miserably.
After his usurption of Constitutional authority for the Presidency from the legislative branch, his massive expansion in the scope and size of the federal gov't via new cabinet positions and agencies, his federal intervention into local education, and his expansion of entitlement spending via Medicare part D you certainly can't classify him as a Conservative.
Yes you can. Fortunately, his failures -and now Obama's- illustrate the complete failure of the ideals of modern liberalism and the welfare state. With Neocons and liberals both discredited, hopefully we can find a true Conservative candidate who will view the Constitution as the highest law of the land instead of an inconvience.
Yes you can. Fortunately, his failures -and now Obama's- illustrate the complete failure of the ideals of modern liberalism and the welfare state. With Neocons and liberals both discredited, hopefully we can find a true Conservative candidate who will view the Constitution as the highest law of the land instead of an inconvience.
Scandinavia doesn't exist la la la la la just a barren wasteland.

Also what do you think would this ideal "True Conservative Candidate" have done if he had taken power instead of obama?