Nokia Lumia 800 bluetooth issue?


Jun 6, 2008
Hi. Just purchased the Lumia 800 and am trying to bluetooth my contacts from the phone to my Parrot hands free car kit. The devices have been paired successfully but there doesn't appear to be any way of sending my contacts to it from the Windows phone. Please don't tell me that I haven't wasted £150 on a phone that doesn't allow something as basic as this??????? Oh and for the usual people who come back and state the blindingly obvious just to add points, please don't bother. I'm fairly au fait with technology so helpful replies only please. Thanks folks.
The Lumia 800 is Windows 7.5 Mango which as stated in the above answer does NOT support file transfer....... but as a high end device is eligible for the Windows 7.8 update which will.

The roll out is happening as we type? so in addition to Bluetooth here are the other features W7.8