Nokia Lumia 610 or Samsung Galaxy Y?


New member
Jun 24, 2012
I know each phone is from a different price range but I just want your opinion. I can get the Samsung Galaxy Y without spending any money (my relative will get it for me) but I really prefer the Nokia Lumia 610. If I choose the Lumia 610 though, I have to spend to add to the budget of my sponsor (price of Galaxy Y).

I will be using the phone mainly for texting and calling. Photos would be nice too and some music (I already have my mp3 so limited memory is no big deal for the phone). Plus, internet browsing.
I guess what I'm saying is, I like the Lumia better, but I'm considering the price toot. If ever I were to buy the Galaxy Y, would it be a good alternative to the Lumia or should I shell out extra cash for the Nokia Lumia 610?

(as a phone user, I can be quite careless, dropping the phone sometimes. I can take some lag. great call quality is important)
Actually while comparing two phones Nokia Lumia 610 has some good features...!
Samsung Galaxy Y is a best smart-phone and cheaper..!
If you can't go till the Price of Nokia 610 you can go with Samsung Galaxy Y...!
Samsung Galaxy Y is also a good phone..!
Try getting Nokia 610 if you can...!

Good luck!