No Sparring Rant.

OK, any arguments we may have had in the past aside...

Do I really need almost 100 grams of protein per day? I don't lift, so that's not an issue. That seems awful high to me. And pls give me an explanation as well so I know what you're talking about (and make it in English, it's been ages since I've done any hardcore weightlifting. Assume for a moment I'm a rookie)

Well, I'm not going to leave

I guess it'll give me the chance to work on reflexes, drills, movement exercises, etc. The stuff I need to work on to be a better fighter. And since I tend to pick up forms quickly... lol.
Hey BKG,

Sorry to hear about the health issues! It always sucks being sick or injured, and is even worse when you can't seem to get better! Despite the prolonged illnesses, I think you're most definetly young and healthy enough you'll come out of this bout fine an unscathed. If you have to stop sparing for a while, I realize it's frustrating, but count your blessings, you could have ruputred a disc in your back an not be able to so much as practice for a year or two! Maybe I'm being positive in the most negative way, but keep the chin up and work everything else in the meantime, timing drills, accuracy, desired response drills for self defense etc. Heck, it's possible you could come back to sparing with a whole new bag of tricks! Hang in there buddy, and fwiw, I agree with the others about getting of the rotten antibiotics! Clearly, they aren't helping at this point.
i dunno. whatever happens i'd reduce the antibiotics and check with other doctors.... i've had doctors diagnose chronic diseases as something else (that they could throw antibiotics+something for symptoms at). theyd emphasize the antibiotics and as soon as the symptom-drugs wore off, my "strep" infection would return, once as many as 5 times in one winter.
later we went to another clinic because it was too late at night for my regular one or something like that, and after a week in the hospital, it turns out that i have asthma. either way, the antibiotics arent helping and i'd drop them for a bit, just to see what happens...
BaiKaiGuy said:
It just amazes me that (a) these are side effects of doing the right thing, and (b) that they last so damn long! It's frustrating to do the right thing for my long term health and this is what happens!

On the plus side, I'll probably look back at this in a year or so and laugh.QUOTE]

I quit smoking five years side effects.

my father in law quit 4 1/2 years ago ( couldnt see me do anything myself ) since then he has suffered everything. Worst possible outcome Collitis. Ended up on steroids to combat the problem. Scared me because he's an exteremly fit man, plays ice hockey and works out constantly. He's just been given the all clear around three months ago, and can now take a 'knock' on the ice again without worrying about shattering hips.
Apparently it's very common in people who have been smoking for such a long time. I only smoked for 7 years, started when I was 23...well done me huh? so it wasn't an issue for me.

So, I hope this isn't the case for you mate. Good luck.
Although I have to say, if it was a choice of $200 or my health...I know which way I'd go.
BaiKai, I know I haven't been here long and we haven't chatted much but maybe some natural supplements would help you out. It sounds like you are taking care of your diet pretty well and with a little research you could probably find a few supplements to try that may help. I take a few different natural supplements for allergies and other annoyances and they help me. Some are kinda pricey ($20 a bottle that lasts well over a month) but if it works what the hay. I don't happen to have any websites handy but would be glad to help if you like. Hope you feel better soon, Scott
Please, post any advice you feel is appropriate! It's all welcome.

As an update... no more antibiotics (yay!), but I can't get in to see the specialist I'm being referred to until OCTOBER! That's right, October. Which means I get to do squat until then. I hate HMOs and the American medical system soemtimes.
BKG, I suggest more protein because...well, this article says it better than I can. I don't take everything on T-Nation as gospel but this article is pretty good. Just consider we are basically made out of protein, you can't have too much.

Well, FINALLY got in to see the dang specialist (*mutters about HMOs*)

Turns out that I have two problems. The first is a fatty deposit on the back of my head. Of course, they have no idea how it developed or why, but certainly have no objections to cutting it off as soon as my HMO will pay for it. I'm on the fence about it, if I can't get in on a vacation day, I may not bother.

The other problem is an imbalance with my body's natural flora/fauna. Turns out all those antibiotics had a vicious impact on my body and it hasn't recovered. They gave me some cream for it, but that's not going to fix the underlying problem, which is I have not enough bacteria in my body.

So, basically, light one/two-step sparring and no grappling. We don't want to take a chance of hurtig my head or giving me another infection...
BaiKaiGuy, sorry to ask you this but did you also do an HIV test when you went for your blood test ? I don't want to sound grim but it seems your immune system is weak from what you are saying here. This could be down to other things but I'm just wondering if you also did a test for this.

Yes, I tested negative for HIV and Diabetes, the two diseases which would cause these problems.
Not my area of expertise but...

For the flora/fauna problem try eating a lot of yogurt w/ live active cultures. Also try finding a health food store run by HEALTHY people, they are usually very knowledgeable. Just don't talk to the person w/ rotting teeth and bad skin. I would suggest a non-chain store, mom&pop shops preferred.

edit: Do some chi kung . Also specific claims would help. If you have cold/flu symptoms Ying Chao Chieh Tu Pien works like a charm. Though I don't know any specifics I have heard there are herbal formulas that can help to clear infections. Oregano oil comes to mind though I have never used or needed it.
I know how you feel BKG. I've been barred from sparring since March because of a joint problem (hurt it in sparring actually), and until the doctor replaces the joint next month, I can't even put gloves on. Surgery recovery time is 8 weeks, so that just lengthens the time until I can get back in the ring. It really sucks, because I've gone from yellow sash point sparring to green sash full contact, and am about a month or two away from getting my blue sash. That means I'll be almost a year behind with sparring, and that just aggravates me.
yeah, he quite smoking PLUS a few lung infections,
i totally feel for you man, lung infections are NOT enjoyable. i remember when i was fighting TB and CL and that was a nightmare, i can't imagine smoking after that, good luck man.
Have you tested for food intolerances, maybe you shoud try goat's milk yogurt from a health food stop instead of ordinary live yogurt. I was forever having chest infections when I took dairy products. It was to do with increased and thicker mucus production.

Best wishes and hope you mend soon.
^^yea that's kinda what I was just it possible yer having some sort of allergic reaction? I was watching House this one time and this guy was allergic to the chinese tea he had been drinking, dang near killed him.

I'm only half joking. perhaps a reaction to something in yer environment? Mold? Mildew? Shrug.
Sorry to hear about your problems BKG.

A few years ago my wife had 12 months of chest infections, throat infections and flu, she even ended up in hospital a couple of times for IV antibiotics. Anyway most doctors either said it was just one of those things or said she should have her tonsils taken out (which made no sense as it wasn't always throat infections she was getting).

Anway the final time she ended up in hospital we got a good consultant who was determined to find out what was wrong, he did loads of tests (including HIV) and diagnosed mild Asthma, I was really sceptical at the time but apparently asthma makes you far more susceptible to respiratory infections.

She had to have an inhaler once in the morning and once at night, and surprisingly no more major infections since then.

Just thought your problems sounded similar and also with your smoking history may be worth getting checked out.

