No alcohol, never smoked anything, am I missing out?


Active member
May 12, 2008
I've never really been the kind of person to think that I needed certain things to make my life more exciting or fun. But recently I'm feeling almost like I'm missing out. I'm almost 17 and I've never had any kind of alcohol, or smoked or anything like that.
So am I missing out on some of lifes fun?
I'm a girl.
Smoking only causes bad stuff to your lungs and alcohol can do bad stuff to your liver so your not really missing out.
no u r not missing out on anything. y would u think that drinking alchohol and smoking is good? they r bad!!! if u want to be an awsome parent and an awsome dad, here is ur chance to choose what is right for u, ur future wife, and future children. in my opinion,don't do any of those stuff. they r totally not cool. the people who do those things are the people at the end that r going to be asking for ur help. they r missing out. not u.
Um. Yep.
But don't feel pressured.If your underaged the last thing you want to do is get caught or make a dumb decision.