Nissan Maxima question on gas?


New member
Jun 30, 2012
So i lease a nissan maxima 2011, and going to give it back in 2013. I have been using regular gas because people told me it doesn't matter because i don't own the car. So recently i started putting in 89 octane gas (Mid-grade), but the Manuel guide says to use premium 93. Is mid-grade good enough? I don't race the car , i just use it to get to work and home and drive around and that's about it.
The idea of the higher grade gas, is it permits easier starting in cold weather, also, you can get a better millage per litre.
Other differences you might notice, are better pulling power at stop streets,and traffic lights, and on hills.
What will not show, is the engine will shortly need to be de carbonised sooner if you continue to use the lower grade for long. This repair is quite expensive, and YOU will pay the bill.
Well, the "people told me it doesn't matter cuz you don't own the car" part you can put in the garbage, because it CAN matter. Putting 87 oct in a car that demands 91 can void your lease warranty and stick you with a bill to replace the motor.
Maxima uses a high compression motor that demands high octane and if the motor fails, it's up to you to prove you used the right fuel.
That said, you may not have ruined the motor, but I'd advise putting the right fuel in it until 2013.
well its enough to make the car start and work but it will not do it at a 100% because you need the premium gas ive had that problem and it seems that the higher the gas the better the car drives
You can just use regular gas and put about a tablespoons of sugar water per gallon, that's really the only difference between premium and regular. The sugar ferments creating a higher octane. Be sure to use a sugar heavy mixture.

Good luck!