Nicotine gum that doesnt suck balls?


New member
Sep 1, 2009
Im on day 4 for quitting smoking, and im doing pretty good. Its gotten alot easier to resist urges. My two biggest complaints are 1)why is my sleep affected by the patch/gum? and 2) The gum taste like ass. is it really that hard to take some good gum and just add nicotine?

Also i tried chantix in the past and it worked wonderfully, but now im afganistan and cannot get that prescription. only what your tax dollars will get me.

ADDITIONAL DETAILS: after taking the patch/gum combo i found myself unable to go to sleep? is it the lack of smoking causing that or is it the mass nicotine that i am getting (compared to the amount recieved in ciggarettes.)
LOL... "what your tax dollars will get me".

Look, I'm happy to help anyone kick the habit. Afterall, my tax dollars pay for things far, far, far, far less useful than helping a veteran quit smoking. I hope you succeed.

I don't know if one brand is better than another, but I will say that it isn't meant to work overnight.

There is a commercial about one brand that allows use during special moments of particular temptation, like if someone nearby lights up. Well, if not all brands are like that, maybe try that one.
I used Nicorette White Ice. It's coated, tastes pretty good and not as hard and the original. Try taking a lower dose like the 2mg. That was plenty for me. They also have a coated fruit flavor one too.