NFL honors Sandy Hook Elementary victims with a moment of silence before Sunday?s gam


Jun 17, 2007
The most poignant moment of the NFL day might have come in St. Louis before the Vikings and Rams played.

Members of both teams, along with children, held hands and formed a huge circle in the middle of the field as they paused to remember the 26 victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School killings in Newtown, Conn.

There were moments of silence all across the NFL on Sunday.

Anguish could be seen on the faces of many players as they took time before the game for the moment of silence. There were many tributes around the league, from Victor Cruz's tribute to victim Jack Pinto, the "S.H.E.S." on the back of the Giants' helmets, to a sticker on the back of the Patriots' helmets for tonight's game. The Patriots plan to send up 26 flares before tonight's game.

It's an incredibly sad time for everyone, NFL players included. They provided some diversion on Sunday for us, and themselves.

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