Newborn nutrition, how to make them gain weight?


May 15, 2008
My newborn baby is having hard time adding weight to her birth weight. She is being nursed but does not seem to gain enough. She is 5 weeks old and weigh 6 lbs and 2 ounces. She was born a little less than 6 lbs.
Mona, the health of a newborn cannot be left to the opinions of people on Yahoo Answers. It is just too important.

Your baby had an ok birthweight, but doesn't seem to be gaining. you are doing the right thing by nursing. Does your baby have a doctor? If so, make an appointment so that your doctor can look for anything that might be causing the slow weight gain. Don't put it off. And if you don't have a doctor, speak to the hospital or midwife that delivered your baby. They will be able to help you find a doctor.
Hindmilk is the fat builder, so make sure baby is nursing on first breast for as long as she wants. Only when she finishes do you offer second breast. Feed on demand, no schedules. If she is sleeping longer then 4 hours a night and still having weight trouble, try waking her for feedings. Co-sleeping also is great for bulking baby, and it can be done safely.