New York Jedi


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Bit too geeky, even for me...but sounds fun
Typical New Yorkers if you ask me.

So really, all they're doing is practising made-up fencing with plastic toy swords and some patchy Buddhism thrown in for good measure? Sounds nice.
This has been done before, and I don't think it's a safe practice. Here is some video footage of the last people attemping to teach people how to be jedi and it didn't end well for them.
Me and a couple of Star Wars geek friends discussed sparring in the various lightsaber styles before just for the lulz and a mental exercise, but to make it an official class with the toy lightsabers.. that's frightening.
These guys need an outlet, I get that. The founder of the group said he'd been bullied. One wonders if behaviour such as this attracts even more attention from bullies.
at my HEMA class, we had a joke that the teacher could make a lot of money by painting the swords luminous and offering jedi training.

This however,,,,, beyond a joke.

I would howvere like to see a match between one of these guys and a decent practitioner of any weapons style.
But look at it this way. Many martial arts training = kata/forms, punching the air, cooperative drills. These guys hitting the air with plastic toys,cooperative drill with plastic toys, sparring with plastic toys.

So in real life think of it this way, some guy dressed as a jedi smacking you with a baseball bat. As Yoda would say "Great it is not but effective it could be".

I'm curious where this guy made any sort of claim that it's effective. It may be that he has, but I didn't see it mentioned in the article. Even the logo looks like it's affectionately tongue-in-cheek.

I wouldn't say that they're any better or worse than the 501st. They're not pretending to be anything other than they are. Does everything have to be brutally effective self defense or are people still allowed to simply enjoy themselves?
Very slim chance of me going NYC later this year, if I do...I'll attend a class for the lulz
One would rather hope this makes them something other than typical New Yorkers.
LilBunnyRabbit , you need your humor detector adjusted, especially considering your avatar.
Just looks to me like a bunch of people getting together and playing around, which I can't see as a bad thing. All seems like it's done in good fun and no one's being mislead, so I don't really see the problem.

Plus, of course, it's a Daily Mail article and simply seeing the name of that rag tends to trigger my wrath.
I was posting to be funny. Actually it looked like fun except I think some of them would probably take it a lot more serious than me. Switch it to some sort of foam sword, lose the star wars costumes and add a few beers and I believe a good time could be had by all.


This would be cool. I think I need to look into something like this.
You realise you just described LARP?

Edit: And it was the comments about it just being too much, or no just no, or even suggesting that they should go into a genuine sparring match, that irritated me rather than yours.
It's not larping, its just some drunks wailing on each other with foam swords. There is no role playing involved. Besides it's valid anti-zombie training. The Jedi and the drunken masters will be here to save the world when the zombie apocalypse happens.
Clearly you've never been to some of the bigger LARPing events.

Sure, there are the RPers who go around doing the serious roleplay side of things.

Then there's everyone else who takes their weapons out, has a few (lot) of drinks, munches on spit-roasted pork buns and charges out to whack as many people as they can.

I'm ready for the zombie apocalypse. Bring it on!