New School Dress Code

Suck it up and clean up your act. More schools should have good dress codes. Most schools I've seen have half the kids walking around looking like slobs and killers and sluts

gather an army of brave men and follow that tutorial, go from 1 extreme to the other to show them this is America and we like our rights
Dress whatever way you want and have the entire school do it as well. They'll be forced to allow you to wear whatever you want.
step 1 - log on myspace
step 2 - start new bullatin saying every1 needs to wear their regular cloths on the ___..
step 3 - every1 wears what they want, every1 gets in trouble, school decides to change rules
You lost no right to freedom of speech, you were in a fucking class.

/Stop bitching Catholic school is way worse
You need to get parents involved. Do students pay for their education? The majority of them don't, so why would the school care. Get the parents involved and things will changed. And you technically don't have rights in school with the thing you sign in the start of the year.
;50755573']make a shirt, with jokes on politics or something like that,
something on current poltics, and wear that with jeans.
they can't say your not allowed to wear that, if they do,
and they suspend you challenge them. its a know fact, that
schools cannot limit your freedom of expression if it does not disturb
the classroom setting, or if it has political meaning behind it.
Not true at all, but if you want to take a deafeatist attitude go ahead.

If you are that serious about start writing letters to the district, or head supervisor. Start a petition and get signatures. If worst comes to worst you can always protest, students have protested against a dress code in the past
my school tried to outlaw guns
that just got us mad so we all went out and bought assault rifles and carried them on out backs all day
if anyone tried to fuck with us we fuck them up
Wow you're fucking annoying. Everyone in california has too wear a uniform, PERIOD.
edit: and if you "revolt" they'll expell your ass. ^ actionjackson leave st.
It may seem like a harsh reality.

You're a kid though, and you're in school. Thus, follow the rules or get thrown in ISS. Try to be a tough shit and intimidate an adult? Get arrested.

It's their school, and dress codes solve a lot of problems in urban schools. You'll most likely just have to deal with it. OR you can "revolt" get thrown in ISS.. Suspended.. more depending how far you take it. THEN You can put up with it.

I guess it's up to you.