New FPS PC shooter game?


New member
May 18, 2008
im sick of playing world of warcraft so i quit/selling my account... anyways, me and some friends are looking into a new FPS game instead of an RPG game.

what new game do you think i should get, i was thinking counter strike or battlefield 2142, but havent played either... what do you guys think?

WarRock, Combat Arms

Not free:

Counterstrike 1.6, Source, Battlefield 2, Call of Duty 4
try may feel weird at first but just try it.

you call your friends right?

you say lets go to _______ and chill.

do it.
you are going to suck/average, you have to play since you're a child to be a good fps gamer.

try playing guitar or sarging
Cod4, CS:S, Halo 1 PC, TF2, BF2, Crysis (nobody plays multiplayer and system requirements are too high for most people).
Dependant on how well your computer can run games, go for Team Fortess 2. Counter-strike: Source is also a good option, and doesn't require as good a computer. Don't get Battlefield 2142, Battlefield 2 is better.

Also, depending on how many of you guys there are, rent a Ventrilo server. it adds mucho fun when you're just sitting at your computer.