NEED nutrition help :'( PLEASE!?


New member
Sep 29, 2011
I started dieting back in May or June and by August I was 10 pounds lighter and I look great. I toned up and lost some unwanted fat. I went from about 140 down to 130, but by doing this i ate about 700 calories a day, exercising AT LEAST an hour each day! Ive tried to continue the diet but for the past 2 months I've been at a plateau and cant lose anymore. I understand my body is now in starvation mode. I want to up my calories so I have more energy and I can lose some more weight the healthy way. I am 19, 5'6, and a female. How the hell do I get my body out of starvation mode and be healthy without gaining weight?! Im so scared I'm gonna gain it because im not underweight.
Okay, you don't need to worry about losing anymore weight. You already seem pretty confident in your appearance, so I think more loss would just be superfluous. If you want to stop starving, then start eating. Eat a large breakfast, average lunch, and small dinner. For breakfast, have eggs. Lunch, have salad with chicken, turkey, or some other protein, and then have some carbs for dinner. Also, snack on fruits and vegetables throughout the day. This will keep your metabolism going, rather than it starting and stopping.
Hope I helped :)