Need help with a new casino i am opening.

See. I was actually think about making the lobby desk ice.

But here are the issues.

In vegas, its hot, would it melt?
I don't want the hotel to be freezing for the customers.
I live in Las Vegas, and uh, well good luck. The chances of you bein successful are pretty slim if youre planning to open it on the strip. Off of it...maybe.
Not to sound like a Negative Nelly, but you can't bank on three months' worth of business... especially not when it's a casino.
I still think it would just be a good idea to have. Yes it would be expecially busy in the summer months. But we would still get some business during the cold months, since thats when people suppose to skii anyway...
yes rly. Its been about 110 everyday for the past 2 weeks now. stfu k thnx

as for the thread starter, the only problem about a skiing type themed casino would be that it would be hella boring. I dont want to be a hater so you might wanna take a look through this for something you dont wanna do

whatever it is, make it stand out and be different, flashy, and would make people say, "dude we gotta go there". If it doesnt make heads turn, it will never work, I mean you gotta compete with City Center being currently being built.

good luck brotha
Thanks, and no, the skiing lodge isnt the main thing, there is still, the food, gambling, the arcade, the rollar coaster, the ice skating, and maybe a snow ball area for the kids. Not to mention the 2 pools.

Idk. I got about 2 years to plan what i want. But just trying to start somewhere.