need help . how to cook chicken ? total newbie here . pls help?


New member
Oct 18, 2008
so , im a college student ( soon to be one) and i need cooking help.

i know how to cook , like seeing recipe and cooking but theres some part i dont get it ( in cooking)

well 1st is , COOKING SPRAY , can i put olive oil inside a spray bottle ? is that same as cooking spray. the thing is , im also a health freak ? hmmmm... so i dont wanna use lot of oil , is cooking spray good ? is it the same thing as oilve oil in a bottle ?

2nd : is a grill pan ( like a frying pan/sauted pan but with a grill bump thing in it ?) like a actuall grilling , like grilling on the grill machine outdoor ? if it is , does using this kind of pan cause flames occur side of it when cooking something. what i mean is , like fire coming around it?
and what causes flames to happen around pans and woks and other cooking pots ? cause i dont want that to happen when im trying to cook.

is sauted chicken , a fry chicken ?

i mean i saw this recipe and it says

2 spoons of oilve oil
chicken breast (1)

heat up the 2 table spoon oil in pan then so on.

so my question is is sauted means fry ?

and can you sauted or pan cook the chicken without flour or butter ? cause most recipe i saw has these to ingredients