Need details on how to cook a meal?


May 15, 2008
ok im young and my bf is ten years older than i am,but i want to cook him an actual meal we eat a lot of junk.Problem is i have only cooked boxed macaroni and chicken.I want to make a meal that is really satisfying like my grandmother does.How? Maybe homemade potatoes or macaroni,steak ,pork chop and gravy.Im nt even sure wht goes with what so help please someone if ucan,i need ingredients or whats a meal i can ake not even goig to worry about a dessertThanks in adva nce
oh god! i have the perfect perfect meal for you to cook and its so easy! :)


or you could try something a little easier like baked macaroni. its perfect and delicious!

good luck lovey! :) don't be too nervous, he will love it im sure! :) if you really want to make a dessert i reccomend baked apples ( cut them up preheat oven 350 and bake for 10 minutes or so ) in the oven sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar then topped with caramel apple sauce and vanilla bean ice cream! :)
Buy a small roast can be a chuck roast or arm roast etc, whatever you can afford..cook it in the oven you start with a pan like either a roasting pan or any pan that has sides on it..and a bit of water to it and seasonings it with whatever you like..I like to add chopped onion and some Lawry seasonings and then I cover it with foil and cook at 325 degrees hear for 2-4 hours depending on how big it is...while that is cooking make some mash potatoes, by peeling some potatoes and cut them up in halves etc and clean and add to cold water in a pot and bring to boil and keep cooking until it is tender enough for you to mash..then mash with a mixer and add some butter and a dab of milk to it..set aside and cook some veggies you like..and then if you both like a small salad you can make that I hope this helps somewhat and good luck..=)
Well those are some good foods but don't keep eating junk u need something more grown up not like wine i mean like maybe cooked veggies or something maybe pork chops with mash photatos and gravy brocle and cooked carrots thats what my dad makes its really good.

PS. u do't have to do pork chops you can do steak or chicken or lamb or fish but the best to go with that food is like chicken pork and steak.