Navy Physical Fitness Question?


May 14, 2008
Before I enlist i want an honest opinion...
or...someone that has acutal experience...

well anyway...

Im a bigger guy. but the basic physical fitness test (42 push ups. run a mile in 13:30 yadda yadda)

i can do all that..

but how hard is it in the actual basic training...

i AM a bigger guy. and distance runs arent my thing at all...

so yea...

1-how hard is the PT

and also ANY tips...anything...

major thanks ahead of time
actually is is like 2 miles in under 14:00 minutes for graduation. I am kind of in the same boat as you. But I did get some advice from my Marines buddy and my Air Force buddies. They said if you have problems running it's not a huge deal. Well I am going into the Air Force.

Just start off with trying to jog as long as you can for a set amount of time. Do this all the time and just keep increasing you distance and your speed as you go. I have been doing this and found to be helping a lot and I am starting to run faster and farther.

I hope this helps you out a little bit. Good luck to you. Also basic isn't as bad as you think it is.