Names for future children!?


New member
Aug 10, 2008
-Genevieve Audrey or Genevieve Elise (haven't decided on middle name yet, but Genevieve is in honor of my grandmother) nickname Genni, Genna or Eve
-Charlotte Camille
-Regan Delilah

-William Charles (nickname Will, Charles after my father)
-Cadel Louis (this is a welsh name pronounced ca-DELL) Louis pronounced loo-iss not loo-ee)
-Donovan Paul
-Corbin Nathaniel

Obviously, I won't be using all of them, but just wondered what your thoughts were!

I asked this earlier, but was just hoping for some more thoughts.
I do think the names are 'decent' enough to call them their full name, but for a child I like nicknames. I have a nickname, my sister has a nickname, so it's relatively common in my family. I absolutely love the name Genevieve, as it is my grandma's.
i LOVE Genevieve :) Genevieve Elise is really pretty too!

i also love Charlotte Camille

William Charles for a boy, and i would have Nathaniel Paul because i LOVE the name Nathaniel
I like William and Charlotte. Very classy.

I think the others are unattractive. Cadel Louis looks like a Vampire Chronicles character. Regan reminds me of Oregano and the kid from the Exorcist. I think pre-planned nicknames are silly - I'd give a kid a name I thought was decent enough to call them.