Mysterious process is using up my ram?


May 22, 2008
my computer has 4 GB RAM. I closed all of my programs, and ended almost all of the background processes with the task manager, until only the essential ones are left. But then i checked again, and found out that 2 GB of RAM is used up. the processes that are still running totaled up to about 100 MB RAM. so i am asking, what is using up that 1.9GB?
i ran a virus check and came up with nothing.
i use windows 7 home premium 64 bit
Hi jerry
it is time for some education about what the RAM is used for here.
when programs are loaded into the CPU how do you thing it gets from the hard drive to the CPU if not via the RAM. this is how the computer works it recovers data and operations from the hard drive via the RAM to get to the CPU or central processor.
it doesn't do it by MAGIC.
so when some are doing gaming a large amount of ram is essential as it speeds things up as a physical mechanical hard drive is slow when compared to the processor so the ram is used as store where data is stored till it is needed ahead of time.
why do you think it paramount to have large amounts of ram even when surfing as it stores pages at a screen shot of 64k per displayed page.
Your computer like every other device has built in factory software which cannot be stopped from running or removed. Sadly all devices have them. (so there's no escape lol) yours probably has a lot of factory software in it for it to be using half though.
It could be your graphics card?!

Some graphics card SHARE RAM that you have....and others have their won dedicated RAM.

You can check this in your BIOS at computer start up....