
I hang a twinkie from a string in front of her face. Then move it left and right to turn.
why dont you take a sec and read my damn post.... jeeze duche. I figured at least A FEW people could read half decent :dodgy:
acualy pbn is a forum we go on.... myspace is for idiots trying to show popularity by addind people they dont so they have the most friends, making gay chain/survey bullatins, and begging for comments rather than just getting them...

I myspaced when it FIRST came out(abit after it came out), was cool to have ur friends comment u every once n a while but then it got outta hand fast
i have a facebook. i rarely use it

I dont see the point. you basically sit there and hope someone says something to you??? What kind of retarded shit is that

Atleast here, anyone can make a thread *albeit extremely stupid* and we all get some mild lulz from it
ohio;46708163']myspace is lame if you get obsessive over it. ex: someone takes you off their top friends, and you flip a shit.

but other-wise i don't see any problem with it.