My Yorkie is in heat and she keeps whining. Do you know anything to ease puppy PMS?


New member
Dec 23, 2010
My Yorkie is in heat and she just keeps looking at me and whining. She only weighs 5lbs. Is there some kind of puppy Midol I can give her? Does anyone know of a home remedy or anything to make her feel better?
I don't mean that she is literally having "PMS" duh! She's just miserable. I was planning on having her spayed, but then I got sick and I have had to spend all my money to drive 4 1/2 hours (9hrs round trip) back and forth to San Francisco to see a specialist. I just had surgery yesterday and I am not able to get her fixed at the moment. I was just hoping there was something I could do to make her feel better for now.