My torrents are downloading in Movie Maker Files?


May 14, 2008
I use pirate bay and uTorrent. My uTorrent is v.3.3 but when i was trying to torrent some movies tonight they were downloading as movie maker files. Then when i opened them they were corrupted. This has happened with every movie i have tried for the past day and i dont know what happened. i was thinking it may be the older 3.3 version but i have never upgraded so idk. I want to change back to mp4 or avi. Thanks for help!
maybe use "kick a(s)(s) torrents" instead of pirate bay. I think its WAY better than pirate bay. I also use bittorrent instead of utorrent. But I heard that the version you use is better? However maybe just make a switch to another torrent program for the meantime and uninstall the one you have and then go back to it later>?