My theory. Proof of the Afterlife?


New member
Jul 26, 2008
I was just thinking about this today. Could the fact that we are conscience about what we are experiencing right now, and subsequently recall all the memories we retain, be proof that conscience-ness survives death?
Before you beat me up, let me explain. Lets say there is no life after death, that when we die we just blink out and know nothing more. Lets compare that to say blacking out after having too much to drink. We can't recall events over a period of time, even though we experienced them. We would have no recollection of it. Now relate that back to dying (assuming there is no afterlife), lets say dying is like blacking out. Obviously you would have no memory of your life, there would be nothing at all. We still experienced those events, thus the connection to blacking out.

BUT. Since we do have full conscience-ness NOW, could that be a sign that death won't be the "blacking out" that so many argue it is? Because if it was, i feel like it wouldn't matter how many years we lived, or how many memories we possessed, if we blacked out time wouldn't matter, we wouldn't be experiencing life as we are in the present.

I hope this makes SOME sense. It does in my mind, and is something i think some people should think about.

Good day