My son picked up a Cactus Leaf in a Spanish Market. How do we cook it and what...


New member
Jun 5, 2008
Is it one of those leaves that they scrape the thorny parts off, then cut into matchstick slices and cook with eggs in a fry pan? I'm not sure if Mexicans also add tomatoes sometime.

We did buy and cook it years & years ago when our children were young and during a time when we'd buy veggies at the San Jose Flea Market produce stands. It was OK.
Victoria's French-fried Cactus

In this recipe the freshly cut and cleaned cactus pads are cut into french fry style strips 3/8" wide and rolled in a batter of milk and eggs then rolled through flour, cornmeal or a combination of both. Frying in a skillet or deep fryer will give a deep gold/green color. They are really great fresh out of the oil.