My Shepherd/Lab chews up the walls help!?


New member
Jul 11, 2008
We've had him a little over a month, he's about 4 months old (We don't know the exact age) and he's been very destructive in the past few days especially... He's chewed a hole in the wall by our front door and when we covered it up he just started chewing up the wood surrounding the door! He mostly does it when I'm not looking (Like when I'm cooking) AND he's started trying to tear up the carpet even when we are looking!!!!

We give him a lot of attention! We play with and love on him the majority of the time when he's awake. He's only left alone for a few hours a day *3* days a week. Other than that he has someone with him 24 hours a day, 4 days in a row he has either me or my fiance with him. It can't be separation anxiety right??

I don't know the proper way to punish him when I see him do it either -_-' I never spank him if I can help it. I don't think putting him in his crate is really doing anything because he likes his crate... (goes in it without us even telling him to most days just to lay down)

Do I give him even more attention? More toys? Play with him until we both pass out???

I know he's just a puppy, but I want to fix this now because he has the potential to be an extremely well behaved dog regardless of breeding(even though he has an amazing breed). I just don't know how to handle this kind of situation and taking him back to the pound is just out of the question! I love my little trouble maker too much for that!