My puppy cut his eye! More Specific?


May 14, 2008
Sorry I was not more specific. My puppy was playing outside and he got his eye stuck in the gate like the pointy part. He was crying and we calmed him down and it came out slowly. He has a deep cut inside his eye. The best I could describe is his lower eyelid droop. I examined his eye. It's swollen with a deep wound (lower eyelid droop) its really pink. He doesn't seem to be in pain. I took him outside to pee 10 mins ago and he wanted to play. He started running and jumping. He's a boxer pup. Should I still take him to the vet ?
"If this was my puppy, rather than be on here, I'd be off to the vet. Eyes are precious and the ONLY person to be treating any condition with eyes, should be a vet. Without seeing this cut!"

Repeated because despite the one Disagree that answer attracted (!!) I can't add more to what I wrote in answer to your original question. This injury needs to be checked by a vet - once the eye becomes involved, and damaged, there is no way back. He probably needs at the very least, a course of antibiotics to help the area heal. Yes, it might heal on it's own, but equally it might not!! Can you risk that?