My power door locks are acting posessed!?


New member
Nov 2, 2011
Okay, so when I bought my car (5 years ago) it had aftermarket power door locks and a theft system installed. Now, I've had to disable the anti-theft system because the shop that installed it closed up and money's tight, so when it messed up I couldn't rely on the warranty I had.

Now, the problem I have is this: I don't have a remote unlock, I have to put my key in the lock to unlock the car, but when I do that, sometimes it'll automatically lock itself back. If I hold the key in place turned, it'll unlock, and lock, and unlock again in a loop until I either pull the key out or open the door, if I pull the key out it sometimes stays in the loop until I time opening the door right, or it'll lock itself. This is unbelievably frustrating, especially when it's freezing or raining out, and I have to argue with my car for 5 minutes to get into it. Is there any way to figure out what's going on and stop it, hopefully without spending a lot of money?

It's a 2004 cavalier, but it didn't come with power door locks, they were installed as part of the alarm system and there's no switch to control them other than when you unlock one door like you normally would, it unlocks both doors.