My parents tell me that I basically have no future and I find it very hurtful,...


New member
Dec 6, 2010
...what can I do about it? So, not only do they compare my grades to my sister but this has been going on for months. I am in very high level classes, AP classes, PA classes, and accelerated classes. In my school district, there are 3 levels of classes, Accelerated, which puts you 1 grade ahead, PA, which puts you 2, and AP which puts you 3 grades ahead. So, it not only makes sense that I have a lot of homework, very hard and challenging tests, no free time, and I study my ass off. Anyway, I am in AP primarily, and have one PA class. I have a lot of homework, and I procrastinated A TON last year and years previously and found out the hard way that was not the way to go. I still was able to easily get straight As in most of middle school, and elementary school was a walk in the park.Recently though, ive had a ton of papers that are assigned the day prior and due to the next, leaving virtually little time for regular homework (which I always complete) and then the large paper.

As of late, I have not been getting the best grades. 2 Cs, 3 Bs and 4-5 As dominate my current report card. I have to pull late nighters to get my papers done, and as a result my grades have fallen to these. However, I am known to be sort of addicted to some very addicting online grades. These I only play on weekends, and on free nights where homework takes me about an hour or two to complete. My parents however think; with the late nights and how I didn't really have them in previous years, that I am playing these instead of doing homework, doing papers, and every other thing in school. This is not true. As a result, these games have been banned and I am now disconnected from most of my friends base, which is friends from the previous state I lived in before a very saddening move, and now I have virtually no friends in this new city (I moved 2 years ago).

Not only have my parents keep on accusing me of ADD and ADHD, (which I have been tested and I do not have any of those, and if I did have them even in the first place they would've known many years ago) for my terrible grades (An A-minus deserves grounding in their eyes, UGH).They also believe that I am putting my games, my programming, and social life above academics, which I do not either. Yes, because of my late nights I have fallen asleep in class ONCE but that was at the beginning of the year.

My mother treats me like I am some sort of idiot, nags me about my grades which only stresses me out more, and destroys and self-confidence I have. Ever. My dad, who I used to be extremely close to, even closer than my mom, now has destroyed every inch of relationship with my teacher I have ever had and tells me I have no future, compares me to my sister, and yells at me every day and every night. My sister is just the usual B#*!CH as always, and is blaming me for her and her friends doings, and gets praise from my parents every day, is showered with gifts, and gets everything and anything she has ever wanted. Period.

I have lost friendships because of them, my reputation is destroyed, no one wants to hang out with me. I cannot have fun; academics truly do take priority and I have no social life. My parents make me feel like Im useless and according to them out of the two of us (me and my sister), I do not even compare, neither in grades nor smarts. It shocks me to think the wonderful relationship I had with my parents a year or two ago was amazing, and now it is full of sharp edged comments and heart-piercing remarks, not just from my parents, but from my whole family.
Has anyone else has felt that their life sucked this bad throughout highschool? Is there anyway to fix this?
I have sworn at them as well for their actions and I know that gets me no where. I am more sad than angry. They now, because of the swearing (which I never drop F-bombs or higher level swears) think I have anger management...*sigh*
In addition, I have no connection to other people at school, as my parents ended (against my will), all my sports and everything extra-curricular a long time ago. Except my instrument (thank god). So Im pretty limited.
Im a HORRIBLE test taker. I get As on my best subjects (LA and Social Studies) and Bs, Cs, Ds, and Fs, on my tests in other classes. I do fine on my finals, and large tests. My overall grade always remains in C,B,A. Usually B/A.
I'm sorry to hear what you're going through ;( I'm not sure if you are asian but most asian parents like mine and my friends are FUCKING strict as hell. They are all the same. They put us down if we don't do good enough in their eyes. Even if it's straight A's, they would say "WHY AREN'T YOU GETTING A+?!" My dad would always compare with my and his niece, and my mom would compare me with herself. They say I would never do anything right and if I do one thing wrong. They said I would either work at McDonalds or be a prostitute for the rest of my life. They say why do I ever need friends, they just get in the way of my studies. I don't know what to say to them. But the way I deal with them is just ignore them. I don't let them get to me. I know I did well so I don't give a fuck about them. Just try to focus about what you want in life and SHOW THEM UP. Get a scholarship to a amazing college. After you're 18, you don't have to live with them anymore. Don't let them get to you, that's what they want. Whenever they say things like that, just leave. If they pull you back. Just say to their face how you feel. They should understand, if not then you would probably talk to your school psychologist about it. They could give you better advice to what to do. Good luck hun.
When somebody tells you that you can't do everything in your power to prove them wrong. And don't worry about your grades. A C is a normal grade a B means your a lil above average and an A means your a genius. If I were you I wouldn't sweat it. No offense but your parents sound crazy. If not then confront them directly. Don't let emotions get in the way when you talk to them and be profesional. Your parents may just be angry because your grades are slipping and they think its shameful. I get good grades and I'm. A sports star at my school and it makes my parents proud. So its natural for them to overreact when something goes wrong. I hope you can either confront them or just don't worry about it.
lots of ways to fix this. how about you tell your parents what you write here? sit down and tell them how stressed you are and how it hurts when they just keep pushing you.

i'm sure you all can work something out....
If you mother treats you like an idiot ignore her. Tell her your not a little girl anymore and that she should @#$%^& off! Tell your sister she is an ignorant like f&g, and she should stop blaming and passing the buck on you, before you make her into a trophy buck. If your dad says you have no future, tell him he's a #$%^&ch, and he should stfu and stop judging people.