My Mum doesn't want a relationship with me anymore?


New member
Nov 20, 2008
I am 27 years old. My Mum has always been kind of bipolar in the sense that one day she's happy and loving and the other she transforms in an angry person who just lashes out at me, criticises me and says horrible things ("You've always been a disappointment", "I never liked your presents", "Your boyfriend is horrible", etc).

We live in different countries and when she's away she's OK, but every time she comes to visit she finds a way to get upset and then takes the argument to the extreme.

This time she got upset as I was feeling faint and I told her to stop talking for a sec as I was unwell. She thought this was extremely rude. I tried to apologise and cooked dinner for her but she continued attacking em for the whole night saying the food was horrible, I'm a bad person etc.

The morning after she said she wanted to sell my house as I'm incapable of living alone (NB I have a good job in London and am perfectly capable of looking after myself) I was exaspereted at that point at told her "Fine, but I won't put my signature for that"

She then went ballistic and said she never wants to see me again and our relationship is over.

My Dad is very submissive and doesn't really say anything because he's scared of her - my little brother (twelve) is very angry at this whole situation especially as my Mum said I don't really love him (which is a big lie!)

I feel so sad now but also so pissed off - my Mum says I should "respect" her no matter what she says and does - I told her respect goes both ways and I should be respected as a daughter as well. But she doesn't understand.

I kind of feel it's better if we do stay apart as she wants - but I'm scared of losing my brother and at the same time my Dad is begging me to go and apologise all the time (which I did but she keeps saying she doesn't want and talk to me).

I called her now to ask how she is but she says she's fine as I'm not there and doesn't want me in her life anymore.

What should I do? I want to keep minimum contact (phone - brief visits) and be the bigger person here but having the door slammed in the face hurts every time.
Baby, once in a time, your mom is gonna big a disappointment due you have did something bad or nothing even close to bad. I see you have tried everything cooking gave her presents calling and checking on her and that's okay. But you have done what ever than a mom could have received because mommas don't get that ever day because of the relationship between them. It sad and pidi. You don't need to take her to counseling, no sweety, sit down and talk to her and right below I have this little speech you can give to her, it don't have to be something like this but it can if you want to though.

- Mom , I have don't to much but it is time that i show you that I have did too much for you and most woman like you don't receive much as love as I give to you. Mom i mean no disrespect but you are going to go to hell or bad luck is coming at you. You have did me wrong and tol me that I don't love my brother and you as much as I do to my self. And when we fight I do everything to please you with all my heart because you are not only my friend, but you are like my sister and best friend, and my diamonds to me mom. Mom i love you i Truly do but mom Im tired of going through this with you. So you have choices to let me see my family but you. I need to stay away from you a period of time cause I cant take it. Or you will make up or all the things you have said and we could love each other again.

-Now huns, don't think this is not your fault, I want you to call or visit your mom today and email me and see what did you get,. And if she decided the bad option the second option, just say ok.
I'd say just forget her for a while, and she what she does. And if she doesn't reach out to you, she's not worth the stress in your life. But just try to keep in touch with your brother, and if he hates you for not talking to your mother, then tell him how you feel. But he probably won't since he knows what she's like. I hope all goes well :)
Wow that seems like a tuff situation but I think maybe if you don't talk to her she might miss you but if not then just check up on her every once in a while