My mom wants to take her boyfriend with us on vacation?


New member
May 5, 2013
So me, my mom and my grandmother were going to go on vacation. I was excited to go, just the three of us. But when we started taking about the dates, she mentioned having to see if her live in boyfriend could get the time off. I really don't like this guy, and she just yells at me when I express my unhappiness. I don't want to go if he is coming. What should I do?
Maybe if you explain this to your mom and see if you can agree to this being a last holiday just the three of you, like a girly break with lots of supportive chats and stuff. Not liking the new bf is tricky but ultimately you mom's choice. Have you thought about what specifically you don't like? Is there anything your mom/bf could do to make the situation better? Your mom might just yell at you cos she's feeling super stressed that a) she loves you and wants you to be happy, b) she's found a bf that makes her happy but that makes you unhappy and she can't see a way around it. Good luck.