My managers keep a file, I noticed it is full of gossip about employees. Is...


Jun 2, 2008
...this legal? I was in the manager office and of course they have the management communication log. It caught my eye because it said "Once again, ****is being a tool." There is also numerous gossip and slander about other employees. I do not fall into a "protected class" unless I could somehow prove being a white\christian\male I was discriminated against.
Yes it's legal. And it's the manager's opinion of the person.

For this just "catching your eye" you sure seem to have read a lot of it....
As long as the file is amongst them and is kept as private than you got nothing against them (Freedom of speech) .But if it's being publicated than you can file a suit for slandering.
Get that file print copies and put them around the office with a note saying, from the bosses desk. Let everyone see what he writes about fuck him