My laptop won't let me open Sims 3 torrents? :( need help!?


Jun 3, 2008
So I used to download all my copies of the sims on my mothers computer and I used torrents. This all worked perfectly and I was really happy with it. Anyways, my father gave me his computer (HP Windows 7) and I downloaded the sims 3 torrent using uTorrent. But when I opened the downloaded file in winrar, there were a bunch of files I never saw when torrenting on my mother's computer (which is also Windows 7 MSI) plus the file I normally used titled "SIMSEP031" wasn't there. So instead I clicked the "sims 3 launcher exe" file and then an error popped up saying ">SetupNew/setup.cpp(140) PAPP: PVENDOR: PGUID: $ @Windows Vista Service Pack 0 (600) IE Version: 9.0.8112.16421
Do you have any idea what this means and what I can do to fix this? I love playing sims and I really want to get this installed and stuff :) Thanks again.