my gyno called and told me my papsmear came out abnormal?


New member
Feb 2, 2011
and I know it's because I have HPV because I went in for the warts a few weeks ago. Well, I'm scared now because she said there were cell changes on my cervix and they just need to do a coloscopy or whatever that is where they magnify the cervix and see if there is anything there like "precancerous cells" and I heard her say those words and I want to cry my eyes out! I thought if I have the type of HPV where you get warts, that means you have the low risk kind and it doesn't lead to cancer and now I have to get tested for cervical cancer? I'm seriously freaking out! And I always have bad luck, so with my luck, I probably have cancer =( ... Please someone talk to me or e-mail me or something. I would like to talk more to those who are going through HPV right now. Please! I'm going insane!