My guy friend and his girlfriend express PDA way too much should I tell him?


May 14, 2008
They make out in public. They are attached at each others hip. He is never without her. They've been dating for 4 months and are in college. He knows better than to treat a girl like that. Me and the guy aren't best friends but we are real good friends. Should I tell him that I've seen the way they've been acting and he really needs to take control and set firmer physical boundaries. Or should I stay out of it?
Well, it's their relationship so no. If they're comfortable enough to do that in public, then let them be. If you're uncomfortable around them, just don't hang around them and if they ask why, then you can explain.
Just tell him that it makes you uncomfortable,
or just tell her in a jokingly manner when they are PDAing "get a room!", hopefully he will get a hint or his girlfriend will be embarrassed and tell him to cut it down.